Monday, August 29, 2011

Another Good Start

David was a little nervous about having to start back to school. Now that we are well into the year he is doing well.
Sweet brothers.
John is starting Kindergarten this year. He is so excited. Can you tell?
This was a "box" activity for John the first week back. Goes really well with the ten apples up on top book.
Ten Apples Up on Top center activity up close. I got this at making learning fun

John was so excited to review the letter b with his batman preschool pack from
He loved these box activities. I use "box" activities when I need John to be busy while working with David. Things are going way more smoothly than I thought they would be. Homeschooling two children is not that bad. :)

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

"A" Post

Today we are starting our first day of school. John's curriculum does a letter/sound a day! Pretty fast huh. I'm not sure how we will do but I think high expectations are important and most of the time our children will rise to the occasion. Anyway, I found these cute videos to help us with our letter sound association.

This video was a little babyish but he liked it.

This was really cute.

to teach both long and short a and review writing them

I also wanted to read John the book Ten Apples Up On Top but our local library didn't have it so I looked on youtube and found a dad reading it for his children. Here is the link if you are interested. We are having a good day. I'll post pictures from our first day later.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Another great blog!

http://www.kinderkraziness.blogspot.comHere is a link to a great kindergarten blog. I will be homeschooling both boys this August so I'm planning through the summer. Here is a link to Kinder Kraziness. Laura is giving away a super cute Miss Bindergarten unit.

Friday, April 15, 2011

One Day Left for This

McGraw Hill has some free apps that are so great, especially for upper elementary students. Here is a link to another blog telling about it

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Double Giveaway!!!!

Check out this giveaway over at Since I'm going to be teaching my little one Kindergarten and a 2nd grader next year this kindergarten pack, worth 25 dollars, would help me so much.

Friday, April 1, 2011

The Last Two Plagues and Parting of the Red Sea

Well, I finally had time to post our last two plague crafts. This is plague nine. The plague of Darkness. This is supposed to be someone's eyes looking around in the darkness. Plague Ten was interesting and hard for little ones to understand but we just stuck to the scripture. The boys used paper to create a door post and red paint to represent the blood. We talked about God's specific instructions for the Israelites and how they were to obey.
This week we have worked on this one craft. It took a few days to make the people. The printables and instructions for this parting of the red sea craft can be found here

The boys enjoyed making their Israelites. John did not like that the boys wore "dresses" but I told him that it really wasn't a dress, but more of a robe/cloak kind of thing.

That's all for this week, but I am getting together a huge amount of materials for our FARM unit coming soon. Our Bible time next week will focus on The Israelites roaming in the wilderness and after that the ten commandments!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Plagues 3 through 8

Wow! We have had a crazy week but a fun one. I have been getting over this inner ear weird virus thing. Mostly just sinus pain and positional dizziness but still enough to make one feel a little lousy. Anyway, school must go on!
Here are the pictures from the plagues that we have read about this week. The third plague was the plague of the gnats. We made finger prints on a piece of paper and drew little wings on the the finger prints. I used washable ink but we all still had purple hands that day.

The fourth plague is the plague of the flies. We cut out shapes, oval, trapezoid, circles and glued them together to make this cute little fly. I added some clear trapezoids to my white ones for added affect on the wings. The fifth plague is the disease on the livestock. David's children's bible talked about the animals dying so we made x's for their eyes. John made a horse and David made a cow. Other animals the bible mentioned were camels, donkeys, and sheep.The sixth plague was boils on the people. This one was hard but we found a way to represent it as good as we could. I had a cookie cutter that we traced and punched out little red dots for the boils. Notice the boys sad faces they drew on the people. The seventh plague God sent was hail. I know cotton balls don't do it justice but it was what I had on hand. The eighth plague was the plague of locusts. We found a cute idea online for a grasshopper and adapted it to what a real locust looks like. Here is a picture of the cute grasshopper craft.

And here is what a real locust looks like. Here is what we came up with.

They are a little scarry looking. They can definitely do some damage to crops. Only two more plagues to go. Look for those sometime next week. Have a great weekend.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Moses and the 10 Plagues

We are working our way through the Old Testament and are currently studying Moses and the 10 Plagues. I have really enjoyed our study. For the first plague I got a pitcher of water and added red food coloring. They liked watching it turn red. We talked about how blood would be thicker than water and then we made this craft. I got a clear little cup and had the boys fill it with red construction paper.

The first plague water turned to blood.The second plague is frogs all over the land. You fold paper as if to make a snowflake but make a frog pattern instead. You have to use your imagination a little bit to see the frogs.And this is what you end up with. The boys enjoyed giving the frogs jiggly eyes.We placed the frogs all over the school room.
Here is our pocket chart recording all ten plagues. This is serving as a visual reminder of the plagues for us.

I have really enjoyed my laminator. I can thank my brother Kurt for it because I used my gift card he gave me for Christmas to purchase this fine machine. It does a wonderful job.
These are the cutest picture/word cards that I found at So cute!

More plagues to come!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Louisiana, 100th Day, and Tacky

February has been a busy month for us. First I wanted to share our calendar space. We have a calendar routine that we go through every morning. We practice number order, patterning, place value, counting money, time, writing the date (both ways), days of the week, months of the year, and weather graphing. I found the patterns for time, money, and place value here.Thanks to the awesome homeschool mama and teacher over at
I love my calendar header. I made these around nine years ago when I taught public school. February is one of my favorites.These are my cute frogs. They wear hats that say yesterday, today, and tomorrow. I got this idea from a teacher that I student taught with. She had patterns for bears and every month has a different hat. The t-shirts help the kiddos identify the days of the week and their order. We have been studying our great state of Louisiana this month. We are going to take a trip to New Orleans and see all these things we are reading and learning about. I have enjoyed all of Johnette Downing's books. We read Today is Monday in Louisiana and the activity below I used with Down in Louisiana. The book talks about different animals found in our state. My little four year old is still learning his numbers and counting with one to one correspondence so he was responsible for this pocket chart activity.
We made our state bird out of card stock. The Eastern Brown Pelican was cut out and colored and put together with glue and sticky tack. My four year old decided express his artsy side with this pelicans second wing. The pelican pattern allows you to make a pouch to put a fish in but we have yet to make a fish for him.

Here is our state flower, the magnolia. We used card stock and the patterns came from a fellow teacher years ago.

We bought a king cake for the boys to try. David loved it. John would rather have a doughnut. I'm excited for them to try beignets at Cafe Du Monde.

We made a K-W-L chart. We had not filled it out when we took this picture but the boys didn't know much and wanted to know a lot. I think they have learned a lot but I believe experience is the best teacher.

We celebrated our 100th day at the beginning of February. The boys had fun and I even got a little mini photo shoot in with them. You take what you can get when you have boys.

This was our second year to do the 100 snacks activity but they love it so much and David is actually counting it himself now. We had quite a spread.
In late January we read Tacky the Penguin. The boys really enjoyed this book.

We made Tacky's of our own and they sat with us as we read the book. My sweet big boy is the photographer and that's why you don't see him with us but his penguin is sitting on my shoulder.

Here is a homemade Venn diagram where we compared Tacky to his friends in the story. Coming soon our study of Moses and the 10 Plagues and more Louisiana studies plus some Dr. Suess.