Wow! We have had a crazy week but a fun one. I have been getting over this inner ear weird virus thing. Mostly just sinus pain and positional dizziness but still enough to make one feel a little lousy. Anyway, school must go on!
Here are the pictures from the plagues that we have read about this week. The third plague was the plague of the gnats. We made finger prints on a piece of paper and drew little wings on the the finger prints. I used washable ink but we all still had purple hands that day.
The fourth plague is the plague of the flies. We cut out shapes, oval, trapezoid, circles and glued them together to make this cute little fly. I added some clear trapezoids to my white ones for added affect on the wings. 
The fifth plague is the disease on the livestock. David's children's bible talked about the animals dying so we made x's for their eyes. John made a horse and David made a cow. Other animals the bible mentioned were camels, donkeys, and sheep.
The sixth plague was boils on the people. This one was hard but we found a way to represent it as good as we could. I had a cookie cutter that we traced and punched out little red dots for the boils. Notice the boys sad faces they drew on the people.
The seventh plague God sent was hail. I know cotton balls don't do it justice but it was what I had on hand.
The eighth plague was the plague of locusts. We found a cute idea online for a grasshopper and adapted it to what a real locust looks like. Here is a picture of the cute grasshopper craft.
And here is what a real locust looks like.
Here is what we came up with.

They are a little scarry looking. They can definitely do some damage to crops. Only two more plagues to go. Look for those sometime next week. Have a great weekend.

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