Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Mittens,Snowmen, and Penguins

We finished up our Mitten unit last week with a few more activities. I found this mitten estimation activity at Chalk Talk: A Kindergarten Blog . Mrs. Larremore has a lot of fun Mitten ideas. We altered it a bit by doing perimeter with goldfish and marshmallows, area with cheerioes, and length with marshmallows. The boys loved getting to eat their snacks after they measured.
I found this cute activity from Mrs. Carroll at The First Grade Parade. Isn't it precious! It is the animals from The Mitten! You can click here to download it from Mrs. Carroll!

My boy with a silly smile. He loved it! Thanks Mrs. Carroll!

I decided to make this using my Target dollar finds. My little guy is learning to differentiate between sounds. This week we were working on f and h.

Here is my precious little guy. He is proud of his work on the fridge.

Coming soon Penguins! Here are just a few of the things I found to use with our unit study.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Mitten and a Little Catching Up

We have been busy, so busy that I have not been updating the blog much. This week we are doing a book study of The Mitten by Jan Brett. I found some great prepared and free materials for this study. Here is my little guy using some materials I found at

First I had him find the numbers and put them in order on the clothesline. Then my first grader read a poem that I had printed on chart paper. The poem is found at stay and play also.

Here are my boys with the chart we made after reading the story.

The first day, before we read the story we made predictions and checked them after reading.

I cannot remember where I got this but I had scanned it into my computer. The boys each made their own mitten and we sequenced the story by telling which animal went into the mitten first, next, and so on. Here are some other great mitten resources. I love, love, love, her animals from the mitten blends game! So cute! has a free printable writing activity.

www.swampfrogfirstgraders.blogspot/2010/12/animals-in-mitten-probability.html has some great math activities to go with the story. She has a probability post and a counting on printable.

We have a few more days left on this study so I will post more later.

Here are a few extra activities that were simple to make and use. Thanks to all the teachers that share their creativity. It sure does help this homeschooling teacher!

I love letter tiles! You can use them many ways here is just one way my preschooler is using them. I found these upper and lowercase letter charts at

Way back in November:
I found these turkeys over at Ms. Collins First Grade Parade blog. Here is the link Here is the way I used it with my first grader. I love Ms. Collins's blog! Thanks for sharing!

For my preschooler I used the turkeys to help him match upper and lowercase letters.

These were scarecrows that I used to help my preschooler with counting and one to one correspondence. I printed out the scarecrows on cardstock my son puts the "patches" on the scarecrow to match the number.

My little cutie!

Okay, I cannot remember where I first saw this, so sorry! My little guy loved this activity! He rolls the die and finds the square that matches what he just rolled. We name the number and count out that many erasers. If your child is having trouble with one to one correspondence this is a great game. The other thing I think this teaches is a visual reference without having to count each dot. (great for adding objects later) This activity can be easily changed seasonally by using different erasers.

I'll have more to share soon. I went to the teacher store the other day and found some great things to share.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Wow, The Mitten Anyone?

If you are in need of a great book to read with your kids The Mitten by Jan Brett is wonderful. I found a site with a ton of printables that you can download for free Don't forget to leave her a comment if you download. Happy New Year!